Why Invest

During its first 3 years, the Invoice One fund has made a stable annualized return of 5 percent, investing in 30.000 plus invoices from more than 150 Danish SMEs. The aim is always to get a broad exposure to the real economy by constructing a diversified portfolio of invoices. This ensures very stable and consistent cash flows and hence return.


The fund has very low if any correlation to the developments in public markets, a feature increasingly sought after by asset allocators across the world.


Every investment has been through a rigorous bespoke investment process with the specific purpose of buying the right invoices for the fund. It is based on extensive expertise and experience within invoice investing, as well as an understanding of relevant legal frameworks. Doing business in one of the most digitalized countries on earth combined with the rapid innovation within data, makes us believe that we have the optimal setup to make successful invoice investing scalable.


The fund sources its investments on the leading Danish fintech platform, Debtor. Over the last 9 years Debtor has gained a deep and thorough insight into invoice trading and has earned an unprecedented track record within invoice financing in the fintech space.


Invoice One is an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) and is managed by Invoice One Management (FAIF) both regulated by the Danish FSA.